Holistic Pelvic Core.

Pelvic floor exercises and Kegels are merely a fraction of achieving a functional, strong pelvic floor and core. For many of us we've been practicing pelvic floor exercises for months or even years, and growing weary of them.

The moment you stop, you sense that things deteriorate. Alternatively, the exercises might not seem effective at all, or you could be fearful of worsening your condition by doing them. You are far from alone. 

 I am here not only to guide you through understanding the mechanics of the pelvic floor but also to enlighten you about how remarkable and vital this muscle group is for your entire body.


 Holistic Pelvic Core classes offer a supportive, functional, and thoughtful approach to enhancing core strength and overall well-being. Classes address prevalent concerns like:

  • Weakened pelvic floor

  • Incontinence (both urgency and stress-related)

  • Abdominal separation (Diastasis Recti)

  • Persistent discomfort in the back, hips, neck, and shoulders

These issues can all trace back to a weak core and poor management of internal pressure, forcing the rest of the body to compensate. The holistic approach is designed to counter and improve these symptoms, by including the following in each class:​​

  • Techniques for appropriately managing intrabdominal pressure to prevent bearing down. This even includes how to cough correctly.

  • Learning how to connect with different body regions

  • Pelvic floor-friendly full-body conditioning routines with proper execution guidance.

  • Breathing exercises

  • Meditation & Mindfulness


  • Individuals seeking enhanced core strength.

  • Postnatal recovery, regardless of the time elapsed since childbirth. (Although you must be cleared to exercise at your 6 week post birth check up) 

  • Peri- and menopausal individuals

  • Those grappling with chronic pain due to muscle weakness.

  • Individuals with incontinence and pelvic floor weakness or dysfunction

  • Anyone aiming to re-establish a connection with their body and reinvigorate weakened core muscles.

 Our comprehensive methodology not only boosts your core strength but also elevates your overall health. You can experience relief from discomfort in your back, neck, and shoulders, along with better bowel patterns, fewer urgent trips to the restroom, improved posture, and an uplifted mood – all while feeling internally robust and balanced.